Saturday, April 16, 2011

Plugging along....

I've been knee deep in Graveyard of Empires so I can finish it before I start my next big project. It's been solicited so I'm guessing it's not a secret any longer. I'm doing NORTHLANDERS with Brian Wood! I really really can't wait to jump into it as Brian has promised it's gonna be dark and mean. All together it's 9 issues so it's gonna be epic. Vikings and swords and horses and blood! Not to mention sprawling country sides and harsh elements! It's going to be like nothing I've done and I can not wait.

Also, here's a panel in progress from issue two and the inks for the cover of two as well. I wanted to be really simple and graphic with the covers while at the same time have each one represent a different side of the war. The first is the Marines so the second had to be the Taliban. Actually, zombie Taliban to be exact. mark and I have really been trying to get the word out so hopefully soon you'll start to see some interviews and the like popping up around. Here's a small glimpse that IFANBOY was kind enough to do, GRAVEYARD PREVIEW. More soon.


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