Thursday, October 04, 2012

Long time no see....

I've been neglecting my blog lately (has it really been three months?) but hopefully I won't wait this long between posts in the future. I'm gearing up for New York Comic Con and I'm looking forward to the craziness that is my hometown con (New Jersey/New York same thing). For the first time, I've actually found some time and extra drawings to put together a sketchbook.
Not long ago I started making a little time for life drawing. I still haven't done it enough but I'm on my way to not having all my art be work related. I think it's important to draw for yourself as much as for whatever project or job you have. So this will be a collection of some of the better drawings that came out of those sessions (I've previously posted a few on here). I also added some comic/media related sketches I've done recently so it's not all random naked people. Hopefully, people will dig seeing this stuff because I plan to do more in the future.

Also, I've been busy doing a couple X-Men issues lately with Seth Peck (@sethmpeck). It's a fun action-packed story that stars Daredevil and Domino. Issues 38 and 39. Here's a couple of snippets of DD from there.
Lastly, I'll do a proper NYCC blog post but in the meantime here's a peak at the print I'll have at my table in artist alley. More soon.

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